2#include <TSqlQueryORMapper>
11 bool hasNext()
const {
return (it >= 0 && it < m->size()); }
12 bool hasPrevious()
const {
return (it > 0 && it <= m->size()); }
25 T
const {
return m->value(); }
42 if (it++ != m->at()) {
55 if (--it != m->at()) {
The TSqlQueryORMapperIterator class provides a Java-style iterator for TSqlQueryORMapper.
Definition tsqlqueryormapperiterator.h:6
T value() const
Returns the current object and does not move the iterator.
Definition tsqlqueryormapperiterator.h:25
void toBack()
Moves the iterator to the back of the results (after the last object).
Definition tsqlqueryormapperiterator.h:15
T previous()
Returns the previous object and moves the iterator back by one position.
Definition tsqlqueryormapperiterator.h:53
bool hasPrevious() const
Returns true if there is at least one object behind the iterator; otherwise returns false.
Definition tsqlqueryormapperiterator.h:12
TSqlQueryORMapperIterator(TSqlQueryORMapper< T > &mapper)
Constructs a TSqlQueryORMapperIterator object using the mapper mapper.
Definition tsqlqueryormapperiterator.h:8
void toFront()
Moves the iterator to the front of the results (before the first object).
Definition tsqlqueryormapperiterator.h:20
T next()
Returns the next object and advances the iterator by one position.
Definition tsqlqueryormapperiterator.h:40
bool hasNext() const
Returns true if there is at least one object ahead of the iterator; otherwise returns false.
Definition tsqlqueryormapperiterator.h:11
The TSqlQueryORMapper class is a template class that creates ORM objects by executing and manipulatin...
Definition tsqlqueryormapper.h:18
bool next()
Definition tsqlqueryormapper.h:170