TreeFrogFramework 2.10
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tfnamespace.h File Reference
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namespace  Tf
namespace  TSql
namespace  TMongo


enum  Tf::QuotedStrSplitBehavior { Tf::SplitWhereverSep = 0 , Tf::SplitSkipQuotedString }
enum  Tf::CaseSensitivity { Tf::CaseInsensitive = Qt::CaseInsensitive , Tf::CaseSensitive = Qt::CaseSensitive }
enum  Tf::HttpMethod {
  Tf::Invalid = 0 , Tf::Get , Tf::Head , Tf::Post ,
  Tf::Options , Tf::Put , Tf::Delete , Tf::Trace ,
  Tf::Connect , Tf::Patch
enum  Tf::HttpStatusCode {
  Tf::Continue = 100 , Tf::SwitchingProtocols = 101 , Tf::OK = 200 , Tf::Created = 201 ,
  Tf::Accepted = 202 , Tf::NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203 , Tf::NoContent = 204 , Tf::ResetContent = 205 ,
  Tf::PartialContent = 206 , Tf::MultipleChoices = 300 , Tf::MovedPermanently = 301 , Tf::Found = 302 ,
  Tf::SeeOther = 303 , Tf::NotModified = 304 , Tf::UseProxy = 305 , Tf::TemporaryRedirect = 307 ,
  Tf::BadRequest = 400 , Tf::Unauthorized = 401 , Tf::PaymentRequired = 402 , Tf::Forbidden = 403 ,
  Tf::NotFound = 404 , Tf::MethodNotAllowed = 405 , Tf::NotAcceptable = 406 , Tf::ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407 ,
  Tf::RequestTimeout = 408 , Tf::Conflict = 409 , Tf::Gone = 410 , Tf::LengthRequired = 411 ,
  Tf::PreconditionFailed = 412 , Tf::RequestEntityTooLarge = 413 , Tf::RequestURITooLong = 414 , Tf::UnsupportedMediaType = 415 ,
  Tf::RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416 , Tf::ExpectationFailed = 417 , Tf::InternalServerError = 500 , Tf::NotImplemented = 501 ,
  Tf::BadGateway = 502 , Tf::ServiceUnavailable = 503 , Tf::GatewayTimeout = 504 , Tf::HTTPVersionNotSupported = 505
enum  Tf::AjaxOption {
  Tf::Asynchronous = 0 , Tf::ContentType , Tf::Encoding , Tf::Method ,
  Tf::Parameters , Tf::PostBody , Tf::RequestHeaders , Tf::EvalJS ,
  Tf::EvalJSON , Tf::SanitizeJSON
enum  Tf::AjaxEvent {
  Tf::Create = 100 , Tf::Uninitialized , Tf::Loading , Tf::Loaded ,
  Tf::Interactive , Tf::Success , Tf::Failure , Tf::Complete
enum  Tf::ValidationRule {
  Tf::Required = 0 , Tf::MaxLength , Tf::MinLength , Tf::IntMax ,
  Tf::IntMin , Tf::DoubleMax , Tf::DoubleMin , Tf::EmailAddress ,
  Tf::Url , Tf::Date , Tf::Time , Tf::DateTime ,
  Tf::Pattern , Tf::Custom , Tf::RuleCount
enum  Tf::EscapeFlag { Tf::Compatible = 0 , Tf::Quotes , Tf::NoQuotes }
enum  Tf::SortOrder { Tf::AscendingOrder = Qt::AscendingOrder , Tf::DescendingOrder = Qt::DescendingOrder }
enum  Tf::AppAttribute {
  Tf::ListenPort = 0 , Tf::InternalEncoding = 1 , Tf::HttpOutputEncoding = 2 , Tf::Locale = 3 ,
  Tf::MultiProcessingModule = 4 , Tf::UploadTemporaryDirectory = 5 , Tf::SqlDatabaseSettingsFiles = 6 , Tf::MongoDbSettingsFile = 7 ,
  Tf::RedisSettingsFile = 8 , Tf::MemcachedSettingsFile = 9 , Tf::SqlQueriesStoredDirectory = 10 , Tf::DirectViewRenderMode = 11 ,
  Tf::ApplicationAbortOnFatal = 13 , Tf::LimitRequestBody , Tf::EnableCsrfProtectionModule , Tf::EnableHttpMethodOverride ,
  Tf::SessionName , Tf::SessionStoreType , Tf::SessionAutoIdRegeneration , Tf::SessionCookiePath ,
  Tf::SessionGcProbability , Tf::SessionGcMaxLifeTime , Tf::SessionSecret , Tf::SessionCsrfProtectionKey ,
  Tf::MPMThreadMaxAppServers , Tf::MPMThreadMaxThreadsPerAppServer , Tf::MPMEpollMaxAppServers , Tf::SystemLogFilePath ,
  Tf::SystemLogLayout , Tf::SystemLogDateTimeFormat , Tf::AccessLogFilePath , Tf::AccessLogLayout ,
  Tf::AccessLogDateTimeFormat , Tf::ActionMailerDeliveryMethod , Tf::ActionMailerCharacterSet , Tf::ActionMailerDelayedDelivery ,
  Tf::ActionMailerSmtpHostName , Tf::ActionMailerSmtpPort , Tf::ActionMailerSmtpAuthentication , Tf::ActionMailerSmtpUserName ,
  Tf::ActionMailerSmtpPassword , Tf::ActionMailerSmtpEnablePopBeforeSmtp , Tf::ActionMailerSmtpPopServerHostName , Tf::ActionMailerSmtpPopServerPort ,
  Tf::ActionMailerSmtpPopServerEnableApop , Tf::ActionMailerSendmailCommandLocation , Tf::HttpKeepAliveTimeout , Tf::LDPreload ,
  Tf::JavaScriptPath , Tf::ListenAddress , Tf::SessionCookieMaxAge , Tf::SessionCookieDomain ,
  Tf::CacheSettingsFile , Tf::CacheBackend , Tf::CacheGcProbability , Tf::CacheEnableCompression ,
  Tf::SessionCookieSameSite , Tf::EnableForwardedForHeader , Tf::TrustedProxyServers , Tf::ActionMailerSmtpRequireTLS ,
  Tf::SqlQueryLogFilePath , Tf::SqlQueryLogLayout , Tf::SqlQueryLogDateTimeFormat
enum  Tf::CloseCode {
  Tf::NormalClosure = 1000 , Tf::GoingAway = 1001 , Tf::ProtocolError = 1002 , Tf::UnsupportedData = 1003 ,
  Tf::Reserved = 1004 , Tf::NoStatusRcvd = 1005 , Tf::AbnormalClosure = 1006 , Tf::InvalidFramePayloadData = 1007 ,
  Tf::PolicyViolation = 1008 , Tf::MessageTooBig = 1009 , Tf::MandatoryExtension = 1010 , Tf::InternalError = 1011 ,
  Tf::ServiceRestart = 1012 , Tf::TryAgainLater = 1013 , Tf::TLSHandshake = 1015
enum  Tf::LogPriority {
  Tf::FatalLevel = 0 , Tf::ErrorLevel , Tf::WarnLevel , Tf::InfoLevel ,
  Tf::DebugLevel , Tf::TraceLevel
enum class  Tf::KvsEngine : int {
  Tf::CacheKvs = 0 , Tf::MongoDB , Tf::Redis , Tf::Memcached ,
  Tf::SharedMemory , Tf::Num
enum class  Tf::SocketState : int { Tf::Unconnected = 0 , Tf::Connecting , Tf::Connected }
enum  TSql::ComparisonOperator {
  TSql::Invalid = 0 , TSql::Equal , TSql::NotEqual , TSql::LessThan ,
  TSql::GreaterThan , TSql::LessEqual , TSql::GreaterEqual , TSql::IsNull ,
  TSql::IsEmpty , TSql::IsNotNull , TSql::IsNotEmpty , TSql::Like ,
  TSql::NotLike , TSql::LikeEscape , TSql::NotLikeEscape , TSql::ILike ,
  TSql::NotILike , TSql::ILikeEscape , TSql::NotILikeEscape , TSql::In ,
  TSql::NotIn , TSql::Between , TSql::NotBetween , TSql::Any ,
enum  TSql::JoinMode { TSql::InnerJoin = 0 , TSql::LeftJoin , TSql::RightJoin }
enum  TMongo::ComparisonOperator {
  TMongo::Invalid = 0 , TMongo::Equal = TSql::Equal , TMongo::NotEqual = TSql::NotEqual , TMongo::LessThan = TSql::LessThan ,
  TMongo::GreaterThan = TSql::GreaterThan , TMongo::LessEqual = TSql::LessEqual , TMongo::GreaterEqual = TSql::GreaterEqual , TMongo::Exists = 100 ,
  TMongo::NotExists , TMongo::All , TMongo::In , TMongo::NotIn ,
  TMongo::Mod , TMongo::Size , TMongo::Type


constexpr auto Tf::KeepEmptyParts = Qt::KeepEmptyParts
constexpr auto Tf::SkipEmptyParts = Qt::SkipEmptyParts
constexpr auto Tf::ReadOnly = QIODeviceBase::ReadOnly
constexpr auto Tf::WriteOnly = QIODeviceBase::WriteOnly