TreeFrogFramework 2.10
CTAccessValidator::AccessRule | The AccessRule class is for internal use only |
CTSharedMemoryKvs::Bucket | The Bucket class represents a data bucket for the in-memory KVS |
CTSqlORMapper< T >::ConstIterator | Const iterator |
CTSqlQueryORMapper< T >::ConstIterator | Const iterator |
►Cstd::exception | |
►CQCoreApplication | |
►CQJSValue | |
►CQList | |
►CQNetworkCookie | |
►CQObject | |
►CQProcess | |
►CQSharedData | |
►CQSqlQuery | |
►CQSqlRecord | |
►CQSqlTableModel | |
►CQTemporaryFile | |
►CQVariantMap | |
CTFormValidator::RuleEntry | The RuleEntry class is for internal use only |
CTAbstractModel | The TAbstractModel class is the abstract base class of models, providing functionality common to models |
CTAbstractUser | The TAbstractUser class is the abstract base class of users, providing functionality common to users |
►CTAccessValidator | The TAccessValidator class provides validation of user access |
►CTActionHelper | The TActionHelper class is the base class of all helpers |
CTApplicationServerBase | The TApplicationServerBase class provides functionality common to an web application server |
CTCache | The TCache class stores items so that can be served faster |
CTCacheStore | The TCacheStore class provides a listing of cache store interfaces |
CTCriteria | The TCriteria class represents a WHERE clause without SQL for the sake of database abstraction |
►CTDatabaseContext | The TDatabaseContext class is the base class of contexts for database access |
►CTDatabaseContextThread | |
CTDebug | The TDebug class provides a file output stream for debugging information |
CTFormValidator | The TFormValidator class provides form validation for a map-table-based dictionary |
CTHttpClient | The THttpClient class can send HTTP requests to another server and receive replies |
CTHttpRequest | The THttpRequest class contains request information for HTTP |
CTHttpResponse | The THttpResponse class contains response information for HTTP |
CTHttpUtility | The THttpUtility class contains utility functions |
►CTInternetMessageHeader | The TInternetMessageHeader class contains internet message headers |
CTJSLoader | The TJSLoader class loads a JavaScript module in server side |
CTLog | The TLog class contains log messages for web application |
►CTLogger | The TLogger class provides an abstract base of logging functionality |
CTLoggerFactory | The TLoggerFactory class creates TLogger objects |
►CTLoggerInterface | The TLoggerInterface class provides an interface to implement TLogger plugins |
CTMemcached | The TMemcached class provides a means of operating a Memcached system |
CTMimeEntity | The TMimeEntity represents a MIME entity |
CTMimeHeader | The TMimeHeader class contains MIME header information for internet |
►CTMongoQuery | The TMongoQuery class provides a means of operating a MongoDB system |
CTMultipartFormData | The TMultipartFormData represents a media-type multipart/form-data |
CTOAuth2Client | The TOAuth2Client class provides an implementation of the Authorization Code Grant flow in OAuth2 authentication methods |
CTPaginator | The TPaginator class provides simple functionality for a pagination bar |
CTRedis | The TRedis class provides a means of operating a Redis system |
►CTSessionStore | The TSessionStore is an abstract class that stores HTTP sessions |
CTSessionStoreFactory | The TSessionStoreFactory class creates TSessionStore objects |
►CTSessionStoreInterface | The TSessionStoreInterface class provides an interface to implement TSessionStore plugins |
CTSharedMemory | The TSharedMemory class provides access to a shared memory segment |
CTSharedMemoryKvs | The TSharedMemoryKvs class provides a means of operating a in-memory KVS built in the server process |
CTSqlJoin< T > | The TSqlJoin class represents JOIN clause for combination to a record of other table |
CTSqlORMapperIterator< T > | The TSqlORMapperIterator class provides a Java-style iterator for TSqlORMapper |
CTSqlQueryORMapperIterator< T > | The TSqlQueryORMapperIterator class provides a Java-style iterator for TSqlQueryORMapper |
►CTSystemLogger | |
►CTViewHelper | The TViewHelper class provides some functionality for views |
CTSharedMemoryKvs::WriteLockingIterator | The WriteLockingIterator class provides an STL-style iterator with write-locking for TSharedMemoryKvs |